The relief depicting the Holy Trinity was probably part of a Baroque altar displayed in one of the chapels in the church of St. Nicholas. The object has been located in a church tower for over a hundred years.
The relief depicting the Holy Trinity was probably part of a Baroque altar displayed in one of the chapels in the church of St. Nicholas. The object has been located in a church tower for over a hundred years.
After conservation appearance of this work diverged greatly from how it must have looked when new.
In 2023 we had a great privilege to study this extraordinary masterpiece.
During making decision about appropriate procedures to follow, for an in-depth understanding of the nature of paint layers, the paint stratygraphy was examined. To determinate the retouches the relief was involved a number of lighting techniques.
As with other types of treatment, completing a detailed condition survey of both the wooden support and the polychromy is the first step.
At the onset treatment, for partial consolidation of areas of deteriorated wood we injected Regalrez 1126 and Paraloid B72 in solvents.
Relief has been re-varnished in the past without cleaning the surface. We had to use rigid gels to remove the applied materials.